City of Pikeville
Board of Alderman

Board of Aldermen
Pikeville Board of Aldermen
The Pikeville Board of Aldermen plays a crucial role in the governance of the city, serving as its legislative branch. Composed of a group of elected officials, the board represents the interests and concerns of the city residents. The primary objective of the board is to establish effective policies and provide legislative direction to the administrative branch of the city government, ensuring that the needs of the community are met both in the present and the future.
The board members work tirelessly to address the various issues faced by the city, such as public infrastructure development, budgetary allocations, zoning regulations, and public services. They strive to create policies and ordinances that will enhance the quality of life for the residents of Pikeville while fostering economic growth and development.
Through their role as lawmakers, the Aldermen ensure that all decisions made align with the best interests of the community. They collaborate with the city administrators, taking into consideration the input and feedback of the residents they represent. This collaborative approach ensures that the policies and legislative actions decided upon are well-rounded and comprehensive, encompassing the diverse needs of Pikeville.
The Board of Aldermen also acts as a conduit between the residents and the city government. They listen to the concerns and suggestions of the community, giving them a voice in the decision-making process. By actively engaging with the public, they maintain transparency and accountability, ensuring that the city government remains responsive to the needs and desires of its residents.
About Us
Meeting Schedule
All Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meetings are essential gatherings where city officials and elected representatives convene to discuss and make decisions on various matters pertaining to the city. These vital meetings are held at City Hall, located at 25 Municipal Drive. The chosen venue ensures a centralized location for citizens to actively participate in local governance. The meetings are scheduled consistently on the second Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m., offering a predictable and accessible time for citizens to engage. However, it is important to note that any exceptional cases wherein the meeting is held on a different date or time will be indicated beforehand. This information is diligently shared with the public, as meeting agendas are published online at least 24 hours ahead of time, providing citizens with an opportunity to review the proposed topics of discussion. Transparency is at the heart of this process, as all meetings are open to the public, encouraging active civic participation and promoting a sense of inclusivity within the community. By opening the floor to public attendance, these meetings aim to foster a culture of collaboration and ensure that decisions reflect the needs and desires of the residents.
Your Board of Aldermen
The Board of Aldermen in Pikeville City Government is composed of four individuals who have been elected to oversee and make important policy decisions for the city. Each of these Aldermen represents the interests and concerns of the city’s residents and works tirelessly to ensure that their voices are heard.
One of the main responsibilities of the Aldermen is the enactment of ordinances, which are local laws that aim to regulate and improve different aspects of city life. These ordinances are vital to maintaining order and ensuring that the city runs smoothly and efficiently. Additionally, the Aldermen are also entrusted with serving on various committees as designated by the Mayor.
These committees have the crucial role of studying and investigating different issues that impact the city and its residents. The committees assess a wide range of subjects, from public safety to infrastructure development, and make informed recommendations to the Mayor. These recommendations are crucial to the decision-making process, as they provide valuable insights and guidance based on extensive research and examination.
To facilitate effective communication and collaboration, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen convene once a month for regularly scheduled meetings. These meetings serve as a platform for discussing important matters, sharing updates, and addressing any concerns or issues raised by the Aldermen. It is an opportunity for the Aldermen to come together and contribute to the decision-making process collectively.
In order to serve as an Alderman in the City of Pikeville, certain residency requirements must be met. Firstly, an individual must be a resident of the State of Tennessee for a minimum of one year prior to their election to office. This requirement ensures that the Alderman is familiar with the laws, regulations, and overall governance of the state. Additionally, the prospective Alderman must have resided within the City of Pikeville for at least six months immediately prior to their election.
These residency requirements serve several important purposes. By residing in the state for at least a year, the Alderman gains sufficient knowledge and understanding of the state’s unique political, social, and economic landscape. This knowledge is vital for an Alderman to effectively represent their constituents and make informed decisions that align with the needs and values of the community.
Residency within the City of Pikeville for at least six months is a crucial qualification that ensures an Alderman is intimately familiar with the specific concerns and issues facing the local community. This residency requirement ensures that the Alderman has firsthand knowledge of the city’s unique challenges, opportunities, and aspirations. Such knowledge allows the Alderman to better advocate for the interests of the city’s residents and actively contribute to its growth and development.
It is essential for an Alderman to maintain their residency within the city throughout their term of office. This requirement ensures that the Alderman remains close to the people they serve, allowing for regular interaction and a deep understanding of the ongoing concerns and needs of the community. By residing within the city during their term, the Alderman is more accessible to constituents and can provide effective representation, support, and guidance when required.
These residency requirements for an Alderman in Pikeville, Tennessee serve to foster a strong connection between the elected representative and the community they serve. By understanding the broader state landscape and having local residency, an Alderman can effectively address the needs of both the city and its residents, ensuring a positive and impactful representation.
Term of Office
Aldermen in the City of Pikeville hold a crucial position in the local government, serving four-year terms. The city holds elections every four years to determine the Mayor and Aldermen, a process that actively involves the voice of the community. The most recent election took place on December 7, 2019, where voters participated in selecting the Mayor and the Aldermen who would shape the city’s future. With the next election scheduled for December 2, 2023, the residents of Pikeville eagerly anticipate the opportunity to exercise their democratic rights and elect the leaders who will guide their city towards progress and prosperity. These elections are pivotal moments for the community, allowing them to make their voices heard and contribute to the governance of Pikeville.
Who We Are
Meet Your Aldermen
To get in touch with Aldermen members, you can reach out to them either through the address provided on the right or by using the email address mentioned in their biography.
Board of Mayor and Aldermen
25 Municipal Drive
Pikeville, Tennessee 37367
(423) 447-2919

Philip "Winki" Cagle

Senia Anderson
Phone: (423) 447-2084
Fax: (423) 447-2028

Dale Wheeler
Phone: (423) 447-2919
Fax: (423) 447-2028
you may call the City Recorder’s Office the day of the meeting at 423-447-2919, ext. 104.
By state law, public equipment, facilities or employee work time may not be used to support or oppose candidates or ballot propositions.
Please do not send campaign-related correspondence to city offices or employees.
Aldermen are elected officials and city employees. All correspondence sent to Aldermen members and all city employees are public records,
subject to public disclosure requirements under state law (Public Records, ISC Policy 12.00).
Any correspondence sent to any Aldermen (by any means, including email) by any member of the public
will be disclosed to any person who makes a public records request, unless except from disclosure under state law.