City of Pikeville
Natural Gas Department

Report Unusual Conditions
Report Unusual Conditions
You can be an important addition to a pipeline company’s safety program by being alert to conditions or situations that could threaten the integrity of pipelines in your neighborhood. Here are some examples of potentially dangerous situations. Please, immediately contact us during business hours at (423)447-2919, 8:00am to 4:00pm; nights and weekends at (423)447-5555, if you encounter any of these or need any additional information.
Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines
Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines are America’s safest transportation networks. We have achieved this safety record through the diligent efforts of the gas pipeline industry working closely with State and Federal agencies, and the public. Natural Gas is flammable. If it is released, it is not controlled. It could result in a fire or an explosion. As an industry, our goal is to improve public safety by continuing to improve our safety record. YOU CAN HELP….
Accidental Hit of a Pipeline
Occasionally, a plow, post-hole digger or other excavation equipment strikes a pipeline. While the impact may not seem significant, damage to the piple and coating creates a concentration of stress and corrosion on that part of the pipeline. The pipeline company will inspect the damage and make any necessary repairs or maintenance.
Washout of Soils
Washout of soils on the pipeline right-of-way, or along river and stream banks can cause erosion. Erosion can expose a pipeline to damage from machinery or the elements. The pipeline company will take action to protect the pipeline.
Suspected Pipeline Leak
There are several signs that indicate a leak is present in a pipeline. If you see any of the signs below, please notify Pikeville Natural Gas and someone from the department will investigate the situation.
♦ Distressed or Dead Vegetation in a pipeline right-of-way
♦ Hissing Sound or Odor of Gas in a pipeline right-of-way
♦ Odor of Gas – Natural Gas is odorized to give it a distinct odor. The odorization of gas provides a means of early gas leak detection. Workers in the natural gas industry add odorants and maintain an odorant level in the gas to make it detectable if there is a gas leak.
Customer Service:
Our Utility Customer Service team is here for you and ready to answer questions regarding your utility account, respond to your emergency, and help you save money. From Payment Options, Starting a New Utility Service, Disconnecting a Utility Service, Transferring a Utility Service, to providing many other resources, For all of your utility customer service needs, please visit our webpage: Utility Customer Service.