Updates & Announcements

Presidents' Day Monday, Feb. 19
Although the holiday is most often referred to as “Presidents’ Day,” the observed federal holiday is officially called “Washington’s Birthday.” Calling the holiday Presidents’ Day helps us to reflect on not just the first president, but also the founding of our nation, it’s values and what Washington calls in his Farewell Address the “beloved Constitution and union, as received from the Founders.”

Century Farm Sponsorship Dinner & Auction
Make plans to join the 4th Annual Century Farm Sponsorship Dinner & Fair Auction, on Saturday, February 24th at the Bledsoe County Fair Exhibit Hall. Dinner will be at 5pm and the Auction will begin at 6pm. You must bring an auction item for meal admission.
Please RSVP by February 12th to Brian (423-240-5533), Chip (423-645-4746), or Billy (423-618-3193).

March Pop Up Market
Let’s meet at the March Pop Up Market on Saturday, March 9th, from 10:00 AM until 12:00 PM. Visitors can seed, plant, bulb swap, along with lots of St. Patrick’s Day and Spring goodies! Hosted by the Pikeville Farmer’s Market, this 1-day event supports our local vendors. Local downtown vendors will be open for this March event. Make sure to come out and shop for your spring goodies!

Estimated Water Meter Readings
Due to the weather and our meter reading schedule, the Pikeville Water Department will have a portion of routes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 12 that will be estimated for the February billing. This may make your next bill higher due to being home more, leaving water dripping, or having leaking pipes. We do apologize for this, as we cannot control the weather. NOTE: If you had a pipe burst, check with our office for assistance on Water Leak Relief.
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