City of Pikeville
Municipal Court
City of Pikeville Municipal Court
Municipal Courtroom Procedures
Municipal Court hears cases in the Municipal Courtroom located in the Municipal Building, 25 Municipal Drive, Pikeville, Tennessee.
Court Clerk
The Municipal Court Clerk is responsible for maintaining the permanent court docket and all citations. The Clerk also receives monies for fines and costs. The Clerk’s office is open during regular business hours as set by Pikeville City Hall. You may contact the Municipal Court Clerk at 423-447-2919, ext. 105.
No Weapons Policy
Weapons of any kind are not permitted in the court.
Trial Exhibits
The court prefers that any party wishing to introduce exhibits into evidence at trial provide all parties with copies of those exhibits prior to trial. For planning purposes, parties should expect that the original of any exhibit introduced and accepted into evidence at trial will remain with the court as an exhibit until the conclusion of trial. All original trial exhibits will be returned to the party that introduced the exhibit into evidence at the conclusion of the trial.
Default Judgment
If a party received a citation or summons to appear before the Pikeville Municipal Court and fails to appear at the scheduled time of the hearing, the Judge may proceed with the hearing and enter a judgment by default against the non-appearing party.
If you receive a citation or summons and cannot appear at the hearing date and time identified in that document, it is advisable for you to contact the Municipal Court Clerk well in advance of the court hearing time and formally request a postponement or continuance. If a continuance is granted, the Municipal Court Clerk will reschedule your case to the next available docket.
Basic Courtroom Etiquette
No matter your role in a court case, litigant, defendant, attorney, witness, or juror, making a good impression on the presiding judicial officer is of utmost importance. This starts with some basic courtroom etiquette.
Your actions and appearance show that you respect the court, the Judge, and the importance of the proceedings.
- Respect the Court’s time by being on time.
- Choose clothing that would be appropriate for a casual business setting.
- Remove hats before entering the courtroom.
- Turn off cell phones before entering the courtroom.
- Be courteous and act in a professional manner to all those involved in the proceedings. This includes the Judge, court staff, opposing litigants, and attorneys.
- Do not interrup others while they are talking.
- Refer to the Judge as “Your Honor.”
- Stand up when the Judge and jury enter and leave the courtroom.
- Stand when speaking to the Judge.
- No food or beverages are allowed in the courtroom.
- In most situations, children are not allowed in the courtroom, unless specifically directed by the Judge.
- Noisy or disruptive conduct is not allowed.
- Do not talk to other jurors or be otherwise distracted during the proceedings.
- Do not interrpt the proceedings.
- Clothing may be business casual, but appropriate for the seriousness of the business of the court.
- Hats and caps must be removed before entering the courtroom.
- You may bring a cell phone with you, but no other electronic devices. Turn off your cell phone. Specific rules regarding cell phone use will be explained later.
- Neither computers nor hand-held devices are allowed. This prohibition covers use of these devices inside the courtroom as to matters covered by a trial.
- Newspapers, magazines, and books are OK to bring, but must be put away.
- Smoking is not allowed in the building.
- Quiet and close attention the the proceedings is expected.
- Do not talk to others about the case.
- Jurors must get all of the information about the case from the trial itself. Do not further research, read media accounts, or look for other sources of information. Consider only the evidence presented during trial.
- During deliberation, all jurors should be able to express their views and consider the viewpoints of other jurors.
- Be respectful of your fellow jurors’ opinions and conduct yourself in a professional manner.
- Direct all remarks to the Judge.
- Be respectful to the opposing side.
- Do not cause interruptions.
With more than thirty-two (32) years in the law practice, Mr. Boring has served as the City of Pikeville Attorney and Municipal Judge since 1996. Boring owns and operates the Law Office of Edward L. Boring on Main Street in the beautiful downtown of Pikeville, Tennessee. In his spare time, Mr. Boring enjoys riding horses, hunting, all outdoor activities and spending time with his family.
Edward L. Boring received a Bachelor of Science degree from Tennessee Technological University in 1988. He attended Thomas M. Cooley Law School and received his Juris Doctorate in 1991.

Municipal (City) Court
Pikeville Municipal Court
25 Municipal Drive
Pikeville, TN 37367
Clerk: Sherry Campbell
Phone: (423) 447-2919, ext. 105
Fax: (423) 447-2028
Open: Monday-Friday
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Closed Holidays
County Court
Bledsoe County Court House
3150 Main Street
Pikeville, TN 37367
Phone: (423) 447-6581
Open: Monday-Friday
Monday-Wednesday 8 AM – 4 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Friday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Closed Holidays

This page and information contained herein are intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice.
Seek legal counsel for advice on legal matters.