City of Pikeville
Municipal Court
City of Pikeville Municipal Court
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are several questions that are frequently asked regarding Municipal Court. If you do not see the answer to your question, please use one of the contact areas at the bottom of the page to get an answer to your question.
When is Court held?
Court is typically held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 4:30 pm. When a Holiday falls on a Monday court date, Court is held on the following Tuesday that month.
You may check with the Municipal Court Clerk prior to attending court to ensure your time with the Judge.
What happens at a City Court Hearing?
You should be seated quietly in the courtroom at the time scheduled for court to begin. Court begins promptly at 8:30 A.M. on Friday mornings. Hearings begin when the Judge calls the defendant forward when he is ready to hear the case. The Judge will “swear” all parties involved to tell the truth to begin the court trial. The Judge will give you an opportunity to explain any circumstances of your case, no matter what you plea. The judge may also ask questions to better understand your case. If you would like to be added to the docket, you may tell the clerk in the courtroom, after the docket has been called, so they may retrieve your citation for the Judge.
What do I wear to a City Court Hearing?
It definitely matters what you wear to Court. The Judge and everyone in the Courtroom will take notice of how you choose to present yourself to the Court. You want to show that you respect the Courtroom and that you are taking the matter seriously. You should wear something you would wear to church, work, or a nice social function. For more tips, please see the Courtroom Etiquette page.
Can I reschedule my Court Date?
Yes, you must contact the Municipal Court Clerk at (423) 447-2919, ext. 105, prior to your court date to reschedule. We will reset your court date no more than two (2) times.
Do I have to appear before a Judge?
Some violations may be handled without seeing a Judge. You may contact the Municipal Court Clerk at City Hall at (423) 447-2919, ext. 105.
How do I pay my Citation?
You may pay by telephone: (423) 447-2919, ext. 105, to pay with a Debit or Credit Card (additional 2.75% processing fee).
You may pay by mail: Pikeville City Hall, Attn: Sherry, Municipal Court Clerk, PO Box 225, Pikeville, TN 37367-225.
You may pay in person: Pikeville City Hall, ask for Sherry, Municipal Court Clerk at 25 Municipal Drive, Pikeville, TN.
My license was suspended/revoked through Pikeville Municipal Court - how do I get it reinstated?
If the citation is not paid within thirty (30) days of the Court Date, the citation is sent to the State of Tennessee.
The Department of Safety and Homeland Security provides a variety of convenient ways to reinstate your driving privileges: online, by mail, or in person at Driver Service Centers across the State. For more information, please visit their website (
I received a Citation for 'No Insurance' (financial responsibility) will it be dismissed?
If you had insurance when the citation was issued, the violation will be “dismissed at no cost”. The insurance must show that it was in effect on the date the ticket was issued. The insurance need not be for the vehicle listed on the citation as long as the defendant’s name is listed.
If the defendant did not have insurance at the time you were stopped, you must pay the Citation fine of $50.
Must I pay all Court fines/fees when I come to Court, or does the Court offer some sort of Payment Plan?
City Court will accept the following forms of payment: Cash, money orders, cashier’s checks, debit/credit cards. We will normally give you up to a month from your court date to pay the amount due. You will be required to complete a time to pay form on the court date if you are unable to pay.
If you have multiple fines, you may be able to pay periodically within a certain time period.
If I disagree with the Judge's ruling on my case, what can I do?
If you are dissatisfied with the Judge’s ruling on your case, you may Appeal to have a completely new trial at Circuit Court in the Bledsoe County Court House. Once the case is turned over to General Sessions Court, City Court is no longer involved. However, if the City Court Judge’s decision is upheld by General Sessions Court, you will be required to pay the original fines/fees to City Court just as you were instructed prior to your appeal
I received a letter about a parking ticket issued to my car, but I was not driving my car that day. I had loaned my car to a friend or relative. Am I responsible for the parking ticket?
Yes. Legally the registered owner of a vehicle is responsible for any parking tickets issued to his or her vehicle. When a parking citation goes unpaid, the court will send a letter about the unpaid parking citation to the vehicle owner. If the vehicle owner was the driver when the ticket was issued, the letter will serve as more of a reminder. However, when the vehicle has been “loaned out”, the registered owner is still considered responsible for any parking citations, so the matter becomes more of a personal issue between the vehicle owner and whomever was using the vehicle at the time
How do I get a Marriage License, or renew my License Plate (tag)?
Those items are handled by Bledsoe County Clerk, Genese A. Sapp. Please call (423) 447-2137, fax (423) 447-6581, or visit the office at 3150 Main Street, Pikeville, TN 37367.

Call Us
(423) 447-2919, ext. 105

This page and information contained herein are intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice.
Seek legal counsel for advice on legal matters.