City of Pikeville
Wastewater Department

Pikeville Wastewater Department
Preventing Wastewater Spills
Here are some easy things you can do to help reduce or prevent wastewater spills:
1. If you see, smell or suspect a sewer spill, report it immediately by calling (423) 447-2919, during regular business hours. For an afterhour emergency, please call (423) 447-5555.
Your Home Plumbing
The sewer system for a home or property is connected to the City sewer main through a sewer lateral. The home owner is responsible for the maintenance of that lateral from the property all the way to the connection with the sewer main. This connection may be in the street, past the property line, on an easement, or in a ditch. Usually, after cleaning the lateral, a licensed plumber will assess the condition of the pipe by televising it. If the pipe has a break or a crack, the homeowner must repair the portion of pipe that lies between the house and the property line.
Keeping Your Sewer Lateral in Good Shape
1. Never pour cooking grease down the drain. Freeze it in a suitable non-recyclable container and dispose of it in the trash.
2. Recycle large amounts of residential cooking oil or grease by disposing of it at a Recycling Center.
3. If any cooking oil or grease gets into your drain, immediately flush the drain with cold water.
4. Never flush non-soluble objects down your toilet. This includes food, tampons, sanitary napkins, cleaning rags, diaper wipes, etc.
5. If you are having problems with roots infiltrating your sewer lateral, use one of the commercial rooticides available at most home improvement stores.
6. If you have a property cleanout, flush your lateral through the cleanout using a high pressure hose, at least once a year.
7. Be sure to use a licensed plumber when having your sewer lateral televised or repaired.

Customer Service:
Our Utility Customer Service team is here for you and ready to answer questions regarding your utility account, respond to your emergency, and help you save money. From Payment Options, Starting a New Utility Service, Disconnecting a Utility Service, Transferring a Utility Service, to providing many other resources, For all of your utility customer service needs, please visit our webpage: Utility Customer Service.