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City of Pikeville

Water Department


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Pikeville Water Department

Water Department

The City of Pikeville Wastewater Treatment Plant is a municipal agency, serving customers within the city limits of Pikeville, Tennessee. The Pikeville Wastewater Department is committed to providing safe water for residents to drink, supplying water for industries, and protecting the region’s water sources.

Our dedicated team of professionals work tirelessley to ensure the highest quality water is delivered to your tap.  We are committed to protecting the rgion’s water sources and preserving the environment for future generations. Our water treatment processes are continuously monitored and updated to meet the latest standards for safety and purity.

The Pikeville Water Department supllies water to approximately 4,581 people, including residents and wholesale customers.  Water is supplied from wells located throughout the Sequatchie Valley and then processed at the Pikeville Water Treatment Plant. The well water is softened and disinfected at the treatment plant, meets or exceeds all Federal and State Quality Regulations.

At the Pikeville Water Department, our product is more than water.  Every aspect of contact with our customers is part of our product, including water treatment, distribution, and customer service.

Quality Water Reports

Our Quality Water Reports provide comprehensive and detailed information about the drinking water in the City of Pikeville.  These reports contain important data about water sources, treatment processes, and any contaminants that may be present in the water supply.

We encourage residents to review these reports and familiarize themselves with the quality of their drinking water.  Our priority is to ensure that our community has access to safe and clean drinking water, and these reports help us ahcieve that goal.  

Below, are the latest Quality Water Reports for our community to stay informed about the water consumed every day.

Stacy Merriman

Stacy Merriman


Curtis Davis

Curtis Davis


John-Marshall Bridges

John-Marshall Bridges


Eli Tabor

Eli Tabor


Cole Thurman

Cole Thurman


Customer Service:

Our Utility Customer Service team is here for you and ready to answer questions regarding your utility account, respond to your emergency, and help you save money.  From Payment Options, Starting a New Utility Service, Disconnecting a Utility Service, Transferring a Utility Service, to providing many other resources,  For all of your utility customer service needs, please visit our webpage: Utility Customer Service.

   ALERT: Weather Warning Systems testing will be held Thursday, May. 15th.  Do not be alarmed....this is just a test.   

   ALERT:  Weather Warning Systems testing is CANCELLED for Saturday, March. 15th, due to inclement weather.  

   ALERT: Weather Warning Systems testing will be held Tuesday, April. 15th.  Do not be alarmed....this is just a test.